This course has been offered 24 times before. Nearly five thousand participants from different countries have attended the course so far. It takes two days and is an intensive course equipped with live surgeries, including all-day presentations. The last course took place in September 2024. The new course will take place on April 18, 19 in 2025

We run a two-day course in Istanbul, held once a year and designed for surgeons of all expertise levels. It covers the fundamentals of rhinoplasty for beginners and offers proficient practitioners the chance to enhance and hone their existing skills.

On the first day, you will learn about open rhinoplasty approaches and watch live open surgeries

Day two is followed by an educational presentation on using the open approach to dealing with nasal problems.

Dr Şeneldir delivers all of the presentations, meaning you’ll tap into the extensive experience of one of rhinoplasty’s leading practitioners. Each presentation follows a problem-based approach. You will be asked to analyze and think about the issues discussed before being guided through optimal solutions step-by-step. The focus is on resolving concrete problems rather than learning techniques in the abstract.